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Thread: occult+rpg connection?true or myth?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    xania-athina-greece en geni all over

    Default occult+rpg connection?true or myth?

    kyries kai kirioi...
    alitheia ti pisteyete pragmatika,yparxei arage sxesei amesh h emmesh anamesa sto rpg kai to true occult?(hte ayto legete mageia,hte filosofeia ktlp...ta eidh ta analyoume kai meta)sigoura ta perisootera rpg...ta opoia einai realistika ara exoun piasei emporika logo ths alhthofanias tous exoun vasistsei pano se pragmatikous trylous-mythous-h kai paradoseis tou en genh sysxethseis?an nai ti eidous ktlp...
    the passion of lovers,is for dead said she...
    forgive me father for i am a sin...
    it cant rain all the time...

  2. #2
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    h syxetish einai aplh.ta rpg xreiazontai fanatsia gia na einai ikanopoihtika.kai to occult panta e3aptei thn fantasia ams.opote...1+1 kanoun 2.auth einai kai h monh sxesh

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  3. #3
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    To RPG exei safws sxesh me occult. Oi perissoteres idees pou uparxoun mesa aforoun ena eidos mageias h' perierghs filosofias. Apo kei kai pera exei na kanei perissotero me ta apotelesmata ths mageias para me actual rituals, opote den mporei na ma8ei kapoios gia pragmatiko occult mesw RPG perissotero apo oso mporei na ma8ei pragmatika pws douleuoun oi maures trupes apo ta eklaikeumena biblia tou Hawking.

  4. #4
    Spider Jerusalem Deggial's Avatar
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    Τα RPGs βασίζονται κυρίως σε λογοτεχνικά έργα τρίτων συγγραφέων. Τα επικής φαντασίας στον Tolkieen και νεότερους, το Chtulhu στα έργα του Lovecraft (και των συγγραφέων μυθολογίας Κθούλου που ακολούθησαν). Ή σε σειρές (υπάρχει και Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles RPG από την Palladium!).

    Πολλές πηγές των εν λόγω συγγραφέων είναι στοιχεία από ευρωπαϊκή μυθολογία και ινδιανικές/ασιατικές θρησκείες. Ο Tolkienn ας πούμε, στην ουσία ενοποίησε πολλά στοιχεία απο βροειοευρωπαϊκή μυθολογία. Η επηρροή λοιπόν του αποκρυφισμού στα RPGs υπάρχει, αλλά μπορεί να χαρακτηριστεί αθώα, αφού απεικονίζεται ως ένα φανταστικό στοιχείο.
    No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

  5. #5
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    xm.basika auto pou ennoousa egw einai peripou auto pou leei kai o filtatos deggial.
    ta rpg antloun idees apo ton xwro tou occult genikotera,gia pollous logous.gia logous alh8ofaneias kai peistikothtas,gia na yparxei mia syndesh me thn pragmatikothta,na mhn einai kati to teleiws e3wpragmatiko alla kai tautoxrona gia na e3aptei opws proeipa thn fantasia mas kai na mas krata to endiaferon.twra opoios mplekei ta rpg me satanisous kai mas bgazei olous stanades einai apla kai omorfa S T O K O S !

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  6. #6
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    satanades even..

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    xania-athina-greece en geni all over


    engel 1 neo sxetikos pexnidi...d20 system apo thn s&s kai thn ww mazi...
    den tha epeze kaneis kalytera an eixe gnoseis kaballah?
    h 1 realistiko pexth se opoiodipote pexnidi....px chars officials ths ww me onomata tremere the black magus(dark ages iberia by night) den tha htan pio true to rp tou?me katalhles gnoseis?fandasia ktlp? exo dei pextes na kanoun polu kalo rp kathos ftiaxnoun dika tous rituals akai prays genikotera exondas tetoies gnoseis...den axizei....
    sevasmos pedia pexnidi einai oxi pragmatikothta...tropos zohs men alla pexnidi...ego leo oti apla ayto vohthei...oxi oti einai kai kata angh kalo...
    einai kathara prosopikh epilogh tou kathe nos...alloste se occult themata panda eisai monos kai prepei na akous mono to ego sou kai tpt parapera...kinos an thes na mahtie kati...strosou kato kai diavase....
    the passion of lovers,is for dead said she...
    forgive me father for i am a sin...
    it cant rain all the time...

  8. #8
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    someplace real goth


    pisteuw,kai einai kathara prosopiki gnwmi,pws oti exei sxesi me tin mageia den einai athoo. ta paixnidia auta periexoun mageia an kai tin diaforopioun apo tin pragmatikotita... tin wraiopioun kai tis dinoun mia diaforetiki xrisi. den nomizw men pws kapoios satanistis oso dinatos kai na einai na castarei fireballs sta orcs ..... pera apo ekei,i diakrisi kai i synidisi tou kathenos einai o kanonas.. ena site gia pragmatikous antres.

  9. #9
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    giea eimai kakosch satanister kai mporw kai kanw prismatic sprayz gia na skotwnw entoma,mia pou einai kai oikologiko kai den blaftei to ozon

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  10. #10
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    Wraith...nai, orismena paixnidia EXOUN sxesh me to Occult giati polu apla EINAI occult rpg Games. Se parapempw se Nephilim kai In Nomine ( pou einai kai apo ta KALA occult paixnidia )

    1. Mathematics is the language of nature
    2. Everything around is can be represented and understood by numbers
    3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge


    1. The cycling of disease epidemics
    2. The wax and wan of caribou populations
    3. Sunspot cycles
    4. The rise and fall of the Nile River

  11. #11
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    xm.gia dwse kana url re carcass_ ? na doume ki emeis ti esti kalo occult game?

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2003


    url dusthxws den kserw. To paixnidi to evgaze kapote h Chaosium. To authentiko omws Nephilim einai galliko. Psakse se sxetika sites ( ebay, amazon klp ).To In Nomine vgenei apo thn Steve Jackson Games.

    1. Mathematics is the language of nature
    2. Everything around is can be represented and understood by numbers
    3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge


    1. The cycling of disease epidemics
    2. The wax and wan of caribou populations
    3. Sunspot cycles
    4. The rise and fall of the Nile River

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    xania-athina-greece en geni all over


    carcass kalos mas hrthes sthn parea mas man...
    to nephilim to xero kai dystixos den exo pexei logo xronou(efega tote gia spoudes otan arxizan kati filoi mou story) tora to in nomine den to exo oute kan akousta....tha mas peis lig logia gia ayto...?AS MHN XEXNAME KAI TO ARS MAGICA E?
    the passion of lovers,is for dead said she...
    forgive me father for i am a sin...
    it cant rain all the time...

  14. #14
    O Mikros K8oulou When Black Roses Bloom's Avatar
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    Aug 2003


    True true paidia.... Ola einai alh8eia.... Alliws giati na xtypietai oloklhros Eyaggelatos kai na bazei kati trismoirous dhmosiografous na paiksoun Vampire mazi me kartes Jyhad kai Magic legontas "-Briskesai panw apo to anais8hto swma tou 8umatos sou. Ti kaneis? - Xrhshmopoiw thn dunamh pou me kanei aorath gia na tou piw to aima....", an den htan satanistika kai tou diabolou, kai tou satana, kai 666?


    (Dwksa ton Bhaal, ekana koiliakous apo ta gelia kai shmera).

    Twra xwris plaka.... Merika trantaxta paradeigmata mas deixnoun oti 8emata pou asxoleitai o mesos rpgas, einai kapws occult, kai kapws "apagoreyemena". Bebaia, prin kapoia xronia, to na suzhtane oi an8rwpoi gia brukolakes, kai na kseroun toulaxiston 5 ksorkia gia thn baskania, kai alla 15 gia to mati, kai alla 40 gia ta kaka pneymata, h na kseroun oti sto potami den eprepe na pas na pluneis (sta xwria milame), giati 8a se kleban oi neraides. Ayta ksexastikan. Ayta pane twra. Twra zoume me to "The Wall" kai to "Survivor". Den koitane ta xalia tous lew egw pou se ligo 8a bgaloun se reality show ton "Monomaxo" me pragmatika liontaria, to Vampire tous eixe peiraksei. Kai giati na mhn tous peiraksei bebaia? Tosoi anwmaloi thn exoun dei vampires kai bgenoun na roufiksoun fresko aima, allo pou sthn eisagwgh tou bibliou leei "ta 8emata pou parousiazontai edw mesa einai teleiws mu8ologika, kai kamia sxesh exoun me thn pragmatikothta". Eimaste satanistes, paei kai teleiwse!!!

    Tespa, ksefeygw apo to 8ema.

    Basika, auto pou h8ela na tonisw thn sugkekrimenh paradromh, einai oti 8emata, pou paliwtera ta 8ewrousan eite disudaimonies, eite pragmatikotita, ews ena shmeio bebaia, eite eixan pisth se ayta, (p.x. mporoume na paroume to spell remove curse, h bless tou priest, kai exoume ena kataplhktiko ksematiasma kai enan fobero kai tromero agiasmo, h akoma kalutera, ena Prayer, kai exoume mia penmorfh proseyxh). As eimaste bebaia kai realistes, den mporei na ta kanei o opoiosdhpwte auta, alla na paroume kai alla paradeigmata? Dhladh o Hraklhs (ok, mporei na 8ewreitai mu8ologiko proswpo, alla ton anaferoun sta sxolika biblia), otan skotwse tis stymfalides orni8es giati htan hrwas kai den htan kanena loonie??? An pas kai breis otnws stymfalides orni8es thn shmeron hmera kai peis se kapoion "pw-pw!!! Brhka ena smhnos apo lesser cocatrices!!!" paei se desane 5, sou pathsane kai alla 15 kokteil hremistikwn kai teleiwse to pragma.

    Den 8elw na anaferw perissotera gia mu8ologika pragmata, epeidh h fush tou post den einai tetoia, apla, skeytomai, oti sthn arxaia ellhnikh mu8ologia, eixame 500 eidh an8rwpomorfwn plasmatwn (kentayrous, sfigges, minotayrous, klp). Isws kati na eixan dei perissotero.

    Auta ta oliga....
    Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.

  15. #15


    This is my favourite sad story, Forget me not or I'll forget myself.. I've got quite a few things that I'm afraid of, sometimes I just can't face myself...

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