Βαριόμουν και είπα να το αρχίσω εγώ. Ναι ναι εγώ εγώ, δικό μου είναι Αντε πείτε.
/me n.r. Stalin - The Court of the Red Tsar (ναι, ακόμη το ίδιο).
Βαριόμουν και είπα να το αρχίσω εγώ. Ναι ναι εγώ εγώ, δικό μου είναι Αντε πείτε.
/me n.r. Stalin - The Court of the Red Tsar (ναι, ακόμη το ίδιο).
Who knows where the days go
And would you ever want them back
ego eteleiosa to steixioma (hell house) tou matheson kai tora exo ksekinisei to king in yellow tou chambers (tou 1895)
egw eipa na diavasw gia 2095i fora to hh's guide to the galaxy. eixa arxisei to onoma tou rodou prin 3-4 meres, alla meta ola pigan skata opote ithela kati pio xaroumeno...
Es el sonido de su mundo derrumbándose/Es el del nuestro resurgiendo
El día que fue el día, era noche/Y noche será el día que será el día
Howard Jacobson - Redback (Η Αράχνη)
...you will die like a dog for no good reason.
Epses teleiwsa to SKinny Legs and All tou Robbins to opoio gamise akoma pio poly aposo perimena na gamisei, dil gamise mpolika.
Pending exosholique books:
The book of numerology
Encyclopedia of unusual sex practises
Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition
= = =
= = =
ta hmerologia tou Kurt Cobain.
ta imerologia tis ang69.
I went down into the valley to pray.
I got drunk and I stayed all day.
eixe tyxei na to diavaso to hellhouse.pos sou fanike?exo dei kai tin tainia alla itan mia malakioula tou 70katiOriginally Posted by symposium_lexotanil
To Kama-Sutra
Eiste oloi kala paidia
Clive Coleman and Clive Norris, Introducing Criminology.
a monkey in silk is a monkey no less
Why would you care to read that?
Who knows where the days go
And would you ever want them back
Steven Pressfield - Anemoi Polemou
David Deutsch - The Fabric Of Reality
Frank Herbert - Dune
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Molis teleiwsa ton Ψυχοβγάλτη tou B.Vian, parathsa sth 3h selida to "H istoria ths aiwniothtas "tou Μπόρχες kai psaxnw ti na diavasw twra.
Eimai metaksy tou "to kokkino xortari" tou Vian -gia na teleiwnw kai m'auton- kai tou "Geloioi Erwtes tou Kountera. Mallon to deutero me vlepw
I noticed that you read a diary and I noticed that you're gay.Originally Posted by Amnesiac
Michael Moore - Stupid White Men.
Αύριο που θα το τελειώσω θα ξεκινήσω το Galilee του Clive Barker.