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Thread: Prob me setup programmatwn..

  1. #1

    Default Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Files kai filoi agaphtoi sunforoumites hackers kai kompouterades..
    Loipon ekana format propses kai ekana ka8aro format dld den perasa pao panw win..
    Ebala xp sp3 vista look, kai antimetwpizw ta ekshs problhmata..

    1. k-lite otan paw na kanw egatastash mou bgazei 2 errors ta opoia de gnwrizw pws na dior8wsw.. Googlara kiolas alla den
    katalaba kai polla.. Leipei as poume h de mporei na egatasthsei auto--->hkey_classes_root\.3gp2 Epishs de
    katafernw na exw hxo sta videos tou youtube oti ma oti kai an kanw.. Eite firefox eite explorer eite google chrome.. HELP

    2. katebazw kapoia programmatakia apo utorrent.. Den anagnwrizei kanena gamw to mouni gia na kanw setup.. Dld bgazei
    mhnyma "unable to open setup file". Akomh kai to football manager 2009.. Den pisteyw na einai sumptwsh oti epesa se
    kakoftiagmena torrents se 10 toulaxiston periptwseis.. Gia dwste kamia idea ti na sumbainei kai pws na to mazepsw ligo to 8ema
    giati pragmatika exw problhma..

    3. Pou na mhn ekana kai ka8aro format dhladh..

    4. Sas euxaristw.. Boh8hste me..
    ....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
    To return with the wisdom of the kings....
    Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
    Let the fallen hear:
    "It never rains around here."
    The sand smothered on my chest....
    Was music choir...

  2. #2
    Χορχόδειλας BLiTzER's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Black Light District

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Den yparxei katharo kai vromiko format. H kaneis format h den kaneis.

    1. Deikse ta mhnymata lathous akrivos.

    Hxo genika exeis? Mono sto yt sou leipei?

    2. Kati mou vromaei me ta associations sou. Dose perissoteres leptomereies gia to mhnyma lathous. Ksana.
    Life begins at 45°.

  3. #3
    antimusic rincewind2k's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    planet motherfucker

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    εμένα κάτι μου βρωμάει με τα χακαρισμένα xp που πήγες κι έβαλες. will die like a dog for no good reason.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Katarxhn euxaristw gia to endiaferon kurie Bli][zer..

    1. Loipon kata thn egatastash tou K-lite (katebasa 3 diaforetikes version opote den paizei na ftaiei to k-lite)
    bgazei ta ekshs mhnymata..
    (a) "Error creating registry key:

    RegCreateKeyExFailed; code 5
    Access denied"

    Afou pathsw ignore bgazei to epomeno:
    (b) "Error creating registry key:

    RegCreateKeyExFailed; code 5
    Access denied"

    Hxo exw genika apla youtube kai ta paremferh streaming sites den exoun hxo.. Exw egkatasthsei ola ta proteinomena plugins gia mozilla
    to idio ekana kai gia ton Explorer, alla to youtube einai mouggo! Den xerw an ftaiei oti h karta hxou mou einai onboard, alla
    den paizei giati otan prwtoesthsa to PC htan ola kurile!!

    2. Paw na trexw ena .exe gia na egatasthsw kati paparoprogrammata p.x. gia metatroph word se pdf kai toumpalin..
    Den einai ena einai kamia 10aria pou katebasa, ta opoia 8ewrw akuro na einai ola infected h kakoftiagmena torrents!
    Bgazei mhnymata opws!!!
    the system cannot find the path specified
    error launching installer
    unable to open archive file
    unable to open executable sto FM2009 otan paw na xrhsimopoihsw to patch

    Xilia euxaristw gia to endiaferon kai pali an mporeite swste ena psiloasxetoulh sumforoumitako sas
    ....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
    To return with the wisdom of the kings....
    Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
    Let the fallen hear:
    "It never rains around here."
    The sand smothered on my chest....
    Was music choir...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by rincewind2k
    εμένα κάτι μου βρωμάει με τα χακαρισμένα xp που πήγες κι έβαλες.
    Bazeis au8entika??
    ....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
    To return with the wisdom of the kings....
    Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
    Let the fallen hear:
    "It never rains around here."
    The sand smothered on my chest....
    Was music choir...

  6. #6
    antimusic rincewind2k's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    planet motherfucker

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by Entrancemperium
    Quote Originally Posted by rincewind2k
    εμένα κάτι μου βρωμάει με τα χακαρισμένα xp που πήγες κι έβαλες.
    Bazeis au8entika??
    όχι αλλά βάζω τουλάχιστον κλεμμένες πραγματικές releases της ms και όχι χακαρισμένα, σκριπταρισμένα, streamlined από ποιος ξέρει ποιον, untested και με ποιος ξέρει τι και πόσα ζούδια πάνω τους.

    στην ουσία, δεν νομίζω να μπορώ να βοηθήσω σόρι. αφενός φαίνεται να τραβάει ζόρια η registry σου, αφετέρου μήπως έχεις βάλει 64άρια xp και πας να τρέξεις 32άρια apps ή και το ανάποδο;

    μιας και έχεις κάνει format πρόσφατα θα σου λεγα να κάνεις άλλο ένα βάζοντας αυτή τη φορά winxpsp2 και μετά ό,τι άλλο θες πάνω τους νασαι μάγκας, κυρίως γιατί τραμπλσούτινγκ σε χακαρισμένα, σκριπταρισμένα, streamlined από ποιος ξέρει ποιον, untested και με ποιος ξέρει τι και πόσα ζούδια πάνω τους xp δύσκολα γίνεται.

    και στα κανονικα δηλαδή, αλλά εκεί ξέρεις οτι υπάρχει λύση. will die like a dog for no good reason.

  7. #7
    Συνεργάτης Μόσπιτ Ingolemo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Oti eipe o rincewind2k , "vista look" kai malakies.

    *edit* kai na thymitheis otan teleiwseis me ta settarismata/programmata klp, se kamia vdomada, na kaneis ena wraio image to partition (me px acronis), wste an xreiastei na ksanakaneis format na exeis to susthma etoimo se ena miswro to polu.
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.

  8. #8
    antimusic rincewind2k's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    planet motherfucker

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by Entrancemperium
    Katarxhn euxaristw gia to endiaferon kurie Bli][zer..

    1. Loipon kata thn egatastash tou K-lite (katebasa 3 diaforetikes version opote den paizei na ftaiei to k-lite)
    bgazei ta ekshs mhnymata..
    (a) "Error creating registry key:

    RegCreateKeyExFailed; code 5
    Access denied"

    Afou pathsw ignore bgazei to epomeno:
    (b) "Error creating registry key:

    RegCreateKeyExFailed; code 5
    Access denied"
    το πρώτο αποτέλεσμα will die like a dog for no good reason.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Paidakia eilikrina sas euxaristw polu, rincewind2k mallon me boh8hses arketa, kati paleuw me to regedit twra an kai den exw xrono logw douleias
    na to tsekarw me thn hsuxia mou!
    Epishs olo to mpleximo fusika prepei na exei sxesh me ta xakarismena winxp pou bazw o paparas..
    Molis brw xrono 8a paixei format me ka8ara sp2 pou exw!
    1. Peri youtube loipon pisteyete telika oti einai pi8anon 8ema egkatastashs k-lite h twn xp ka8ara?
    2. Peri egkatastashs programmatwn pou skalwnei telika ftaiei kati h einai sumptwsh?
    3. Asxeto alla exete upopsh sas kana freeware pdf to doc kai anapoda programmataki pou na kanei kalh doulitsa?
    Exw katebasei kamposa alla kanena den kanei toso kalh douleia.. (pdf2word, smartpdfconverter klp) kai sunh8ws
    einai trial versions.. An exete kapoio upopsh sas 8a sas eimai eugnwmwn.. (Hdh eimai.. )
    4. Ingolemo auto pou egrapses me endiaferei para polu, mporeis na dwsei ligo peraiterw infoz giati
    den eimai kai o karakatasxetikos se software 8emata..
    Ti programma xrhsimopoieis, ti akribws kaneis, kai pws epanafereis to systhma meta apo mellontiko format se toumpano katastash??

    Sas agapw, perimenw tis apopseis sas..
    ....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
    To return with the wisdom of the kings....
    Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
    Let the fallen hear:
    "It never rains around here."
    The sand smothered on my chest....
    Was music choir...

  10. #10
    Χορχόδειλας BLiTzER's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Black Light District

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by Entrancemperium
    1. Loipon kata thn egatastash tou K-lite (katebasa 3 diaforetikes version opote den paizei na ftaiei to k-lite)
    bgazei ta ekshs mhnymata..
    (a) "Error creating registry key:

    RegCreateKeyExFailed; code 5
    Access denied"

    Afou pathsw ignore bgazei to epomeno:
    (b) "Error creating registry key:

    RegCreateKeyExFailed; code 5
    Access denied"

    Hxo exw genika apla youtube kai ta paremferh streaming sites den exoun hxo.. Exw egkatasthsei ola ta proteinomena plugins gia mozilla
    to idio ekana kai gia ton Explorer, alla to youtube einai mouggo! Den xerw an ftaiei oti h karta hxou mou einai onboard, alla
    den paizei giati otan prwtoesthsa to PC htan ola kurile!!

    2. Paw na trexw ena .exe gia na egatasthsw kati paparoprogrammata p.x. gia metatroph word se pdf kai toumpalin..
    Den einai ena einai kamia 10aria pou katebasa, ta opoia 8ewrw akuro na einai ola infected h kakoftiagmena torrents!
    Bgazei mhnymata opws!!!
    the system cannot find the path specified
    error launching installer
    unable to open archive file
    unable to open executable sto FM2009 otan paw na xrhsimopoihsw to patch
    1. Ok mhpos exeis kapoio antivirus, firewall h kati sxetiko tespa kai sou exei kleidosei th registry? De mporei na kanei nees eggrafes, opote kai pairnei poulo to kathe installation. An den exeis, pithanotata ta win pou exeis einai gia to peos. Isos apla den exeis arketh prosvash? Thelei admin? Ta Vista exoun kati tetoies malakies, den ksero ti akrivos ennoeis "vista look". Dhladh ksero ti leei h leksh, alla den eimai sigouros ti akrivos exoun parei apo ta vista, isos den einai to look mono

    Gia ton hxo, kapoio provlhma me ton flash h/kai tous drivers sou? Dokimase na egkatasthseis tis teleytaies ekdoseis.

    2. Ayto mou akougetai san trojan. Ta ektelesima arxeia pou katevazeis einai corrupted e? Deixnoun eikonidio kanonika h thn asprh/mple malakia tou dos?
    Life begins at 45°.

  11. #11
    Συνεργάτης Μόσπιτ Ingolemo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by Entrancemperium
    4. Ingolemo auto pou egrapses me endiaferei para polu, mporeis na dwsei ligo peraiterw infoz giati
    den eimai kai o karakatasxetikos se software 8emata..
    Ti programma xrhsimopoieis, ti akribws kaneis, kai pws epanafereis to systhma meta apo mellontiko format se toumpano katastash??
    To Acronis True Image exw.
    Ousiastika kaneis ena backup to partition me to leitourgiko sou (c:\ sunithws), kai meta mporeis na to kaneis restore opote thes, h apo to programma kateytheian, h apo boot cd (an o sklhros ta xei fthsei entelws), h kai se allo hard disk (auto ekana egw otan allaksa hard disk giati o palios ta fthne).

    Gia sugkekrimenes odhgies des edw: backup restore boot disk
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Paidakia akolou8hsa tis sumboules sas, ekana ksana format me ka8aro cd win xp sp2 auth th fora..

    SUMPERASMA: ARXIDIA KAPAMA!!!!! Youtube kai pali skata, oxi hxos dld, kai alla diafora skatoulakia, kalutera bebaia apo prin (p.x. to k-lite mphke kanonika)
    alla problhmata re paidia..
    Opote 8a rwthsw to ekshs..
    Otan setarete windows, kai afou balete drivers gia vga kai m/board ti energeies akoulou8eite? Ennow ti skata flash codecs shockwaves kai tetoia bazete, mhpws kanw egw malakies kai de ftaiei to PC oute ta XP pou bazw.. Exw kanei ta panta gamwwwwwwwww..

    P.S. Asxeto kai psiloashmanto, alla kai to de katagrafei oti akouw pleon..
    ....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
    To return with the wisdom of the kings....
    Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
    Let the fallen hear:
    "It never rains around here."
    The sand smothered on my chest....
    Was music choir...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by Entrancemperium
    P.S. Asxeto kai psiloashmanto, alla kai to de katagrafei oti akouw pleon..
    ισχύει, από 19 νοέμβρη και μετά υπέβαλλε παραίτηση.

  14. #14
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Athens, Greece

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Quote Originally Posted by Entrancemperium

    P.S. Asxeto kai psiloashmanto, alla kai to de katagrafei oti akouw pleon..
    Pigene sti selida tou kai kanei logout kai ksana login kai epanekkinise to programmataki. An den doulepsei simenei kati allo paei la8os pou simenei oti 8a pas sto help kai 8a akolou8iseis kati vimatakia pou sou leei ekei.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Prob me setup programmatwn..

    Meta apo mia bdomada ta problhmata einai sunexh kai konteuw na skasw..
    Ta skalwmata einai trela akomh kai meta thn egkatastash ka8arwn win xp sp2 opws anefera kaise parapanw post mou..
    Rwthsa kapoion sxetiko o opoios mou eipe oti afou bgazei mple o8ones kai ta sxetika mhpws einai prob. hardware htoi kati
    na "xtyphse", p.x. oi mnhmes, h p.x. na exw problhmatiko trofodotiko..
    To 8ema einai oti o sugkekrimenos typos de mporei na boh8hsei parapanw, giati feugei gia exwteriko..

    Leei se sas kati apo auta pou proanefera..
    Eimai pragmatika apelpismenos, to pc mou den exei kleisei oyte xrono kai 8a fugei apoi to mpalkoni gamwwwwwwww
    Uparxei kapoios tropos na tsekarw an uparxei hardwariko problhma??
    Sas euxaristw ek twn proterwn..
    ....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
    To return with the wisdom of the kings....
    Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
    Let the fallen hear:
    "It never rains around here."
    The sand smothered on my chest....
    Was music choir...

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