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Thread: Fuck My Life

  1. #16
    antimusic rincewind2k's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    χμμμ. will die like a dog for no good reason.

  2. #17
    Solidium HAVOC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    Γι'αυτο λεμε βαλτε κανα δικο σας. Εδω εστω.
    Πράγματι, ο καιρός ήτο θαυμάσιος. Ένας καιρός ηδονικός και, όπως λέγουν, θείος. Ο ήλιος έλαμπε καταυγάζων και θερμαίνων τα πάντα – τον ουρανόν, την θάλασσαν, το υπερωκεάνειον, τους επιβάτας. Όλοι σχεδόν ήσαν χαρούμενοι.

  3. #18
    ρεταλι BURNIN AMBITION's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    to site gamaei xtes mexri tis 6misi to prwi diavaza e xwnei averta. bookmark kai ta sxetika
    ποθτανα ολα
    ολοι ειστε αβαγκαρντς αλλα οταν μπαινει το ΜΠΑΗ ΜΟΥΝΛΑΗΤ ΓΟΥΗ ΡΑΗΝΤ θυμαστε ολοι τι ειστε και απο που ερχεστε

    iola 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Atropos View Post
    Κατά τ' άλλα, γι αυτόν το λόγο το GoT είναι σειρά με @@. Αν ήταν να κερδάει πάντα ο καλός και ο Ολυμπιακός με το Αιγάλεω, θα βλέπαμε Σβαρτσενέγκερ.

  4. #19
    ρεταλι BURNIN AMBITION's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    Today, I told my dad I was leaving to get some beauty sleep. He looked at me laughing and said "See you in a decade." FML

    Today, I was hooking up with a guy for the first time and he told me I was in luck. When I asked why he replied, "I like little boobs." FML

    Today, My boyfriend dumped me because he said the relationship was too tough for him. When I asked for an example he responded "Like, I don't have enough time to play World of WarCraft." FML
    ποθτανα ολα
    ολοι ειστε αβαγκαρντς αλλα οταν μπαινει το ΜΠΑΗ ΜΟΥΝΛΑΗΤ ΓΟΥΗ ΡΑΗΝΤ θυμαστε ολοι τι ειστε και απο που ερχεστε

    iola 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Atropos View Post
    Κατά τ' άλλα, γι αυτόν το λόγο το GoT είναι σειρά με @@. Αν ήταν να κερδάει πάντα ο καλός και ο Ολυμπιακός με το Αιγάλεω, θα βλέπαμε Σβαρτσενέγκερ.

  5. #20
    Solidium HAVOC's Avatar
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    Today, I had just gotten over the flu and thought I was better. So me and my boyfriend decided to have sex. As I was about to orgasm, I puked all over his face. He was so disgusted that he ended up throwing up on me as well. FML
    Πράγματι, ο καιρός ήτο θαυμάσιος. Ένας καιρός ηδονικός και, όπως λέγουν, θείος. Ο ήλιος έλαμπε καταυγάζων και θερμαίνων τα πάντα – τον ουρανόν, την θάλασσαν, το υπερωκεάνειον, τους επιβάτας. Όλοι σχεδόν ήσαν χαρούμενοι.

  6. #21
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    δεν παιζει...

    ...εκτος αν ειναι απο Ιαπωνια

  7. #22
    Zero Black Darkling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life



    Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. Mid-thrust she says "I love you, Jeremy." Then in rapid succession, she fires off 2 other names. None of the names were mine. FML

    Today, I looked at the facebook of the girl I really liked, and I saw she wrote on her friend's wall "Last night was the biggest mistake of my life." We hooked up last night. FML

    Today, I told my best friend of 10 years that somewhere along the way I feel in love with him and I think we should be together. His response: "I appreciate the sentiment." FML (μπιστόλα)

    Today, I woke up around 5am from a party I had last night. I was still quite drunk. This chick was lying next to me from the night before. I kissed her, and about a minute and a half into some heavy making out she opens her eyes and says "Oh, it's you." Then gets up and walks out. FML.

    Today, I texted my boyfriend saying hi. His response, "I got your best friend pregnant". FML

    Today, I met a really hot chick while waiting for the bus. We spoke for 4 hours till we got to our destination. She hugged me and we parted ways. Later that day I realised she stole my phone. FML

    Today, I fell in love with a girl who used to love me. She doesn't anymore. FML

    Today, it's been 2 weeks since I lost my virginity and I've already had sex with 3 guys. I think I'm a nympho. FML

    Today, I went onto my computer and found a cyber sex conversation between my sister and my girlfriend. FML

    Today, my girlfriend left a message on my phone. It was just the sounds of her having sex with somebody. FML

    Today, while kissing my girlfriend's neck, I sneezed a blob of snot onto her. She told me that "it doesn't matter", while hiccuping a bit of vomit. FML

    Today, I logged onto facebook to realize that my boyfriend is now listed as single. News to me. FML

    Today, as my boyfriend was trying to convince me that he was not having an affair with another woman named Julie, he looked me in the eye and exclaimed, "I would never cheat on you, I love you more than anything, Julie". FML

    Today, I went on a first date with a guy I met at a speed dating event. He recommended the lamb shank, which I proceeded to order without looking at the menu. When the waiter took my order, my date said, "wait, the lamb is $27, why don't you get the chicken". He then ordered the lamb for himself. FML

    Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. When he was about to orgasm, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs. My name's not Brittany. That's his sister. FML

    Today, my boyfriend of 2 years sent me a text messages saying, "Don't worry I'm gonna break up with her soon. Love you." FML (ΜΠΙΣΤΟΛΑ)

    Today, my girlfriend gave me a blow-up doll and told me to practice. FML

    Today, I hooked up with this man for the first time. He takes his shirt off and has a chestful of black hair. He had his name shaved into it. FML

    Today, my inebriated boyfriend and I were having sex. He rolls off of me without finishing, and says, "i'm bored." FML

    Today, I was having sex with a guy that I just met, and when I thought he was about to orgasm, he actually had an asthma attack. FML

    Today, the girl who I have had a crush on for 2 years snuck up from behind me and gave me a hug. I farted very loud at the same exact time. FML

    Today, I realized it's been 5 days since my boyfriend last answered the phone when I called. Two weeks ago, he told me he used to break up with his girlfriends in a very juvenile way. He doesn't answer their phone calls. FML

    Today, I got stuck in an elevator for 2 hours with my boyfriend and the guy that I have been secretly having sex with for 6 months. FML

    Today, I almost had an orgasm. Unfortunately, he had one first. FML

    Today, I was in bed next to the boy I loved, he had just came and passed out immediately afterwards. I reached over to look at my phone but grabbed his instead and saw a text message from his ex-girlfriend that read "I love you too." FML

    Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend and as I pulled out to finish I slipped and ended up punching her in the stomach, I came while she was writhing in pain. FML

    Today, my boyfriend fell asleep during phone sex. FML

    Today, I organized a romantic evening with one of my old squeezes in the hopes I may re-ignite something special. She showed up at 8 and told me she had to leave by 9. She was gone by 8:30. FML

    Today, my boyfriend told me that my feet smell. He was in the next room at the time. FML

    Today, my 19 year old girlfriend dumped me because she thinks I'm immature. I'm 30. FML

    Today, my girlfriend farted in her sleep, woke me up because it was so damn loud, and my room smelt like rotten noodles for about an hour. FML

    Today, I slept with this new guy for the first time. After sex, he said the doggie style postion was fun, it reminded him what it would be like to rape a girl. FML

    Today, my best friend, was crying because her boyfriend is a retard. I brought my thumb up to wipe a tear off her face, and somehow stuck it up her nose. FML

    Today, when I was at my girlfriend's house, I farted and blamed it on the cat. I forgot the cat died 2 weeks ago. FML (!!!!!!!!!!! top.)
    when it goes to .999 then I rise and there I shine

  8. #23

    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    my life sucks but i dont give a fuck!!
    xaxaxaxa ta spaei to site!

  9. #24
    ρεταλι BURNIN AMBITION's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    o prwtospou tha diavasei oles tis selides nika. eimai konta e
    ποθτανα ολα
    ολοι ειστε αβαγκαρντς αλλα οταν μπαινει το ΜΠΑΗ ΜΟΥΝΛΑΗΤ ΓΟΥΗ ΡΑΗΝΤ θυμαστε ολοι τι ειστε και απο που ερχεστε

    iola 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Atropos View Post
    Κατά τ' άλλα, γι αυτόν το λόγο το GoT είναι σειρά με @@. Αν ήταν να κερδάει πάντα ο καλός και ο Ολυμπιακός με το Αιγάλεω, θα βλέπαμε Σβαρτσενέγκερ.

  10. #25
    True Metal Warrior Loader's Avatar
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    Today, my mom : "You and your dad like all the same foods right? Try this for me", she then proceeds to give me a strawberry flavored jelly. I say that it tastes good and ask what she gave me. "It's my new nipple cream, I want to surprise your dad tonight." FML

    True Metal Or No Metal At All

  11. #26
    I like turtles pixies's Avatar
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    exoume nikiti
    There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away

  12. #27
    ρεταλι BURNIN AMBITION's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    Today, my cellphone ring went off loudly at a co-worker's funeral. My ringtone is "Another One Bites the Dust." FML
    ποθτανα ολα
    ολοι ειστε αβαγκαρντς αλλα οταν μπαινει το ΜΠΑΗ ΜΟΥΝΛΑΗΤ ΓΟΥΗ ΡΑΗΝΤ θυμαστε ολοι τι ειστε και απο που ερχεστε

    iola 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Atropos View Post
    Κατά τ' άλλα, γι αυτόν το λόγο το GoT είναι σειρά με @@. Αν ήταν να κερδάει πάντα ο καλός και ο Ολυμπιακός με το Αιγάλεω, θα βλέπαμε Σβαρτσενέγκερ.

  13. #28
    Spider Jerusalem Deggial's Avatar
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    Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "Beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML

    Today, I went to my first strip club for my friends birthday. I also found out what my girlfriend does for a living. FML
    No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

  14. #29
    ρεταλι BURNIN AMBITION's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    poso gamato einai otan postarei kapoios edw apo to fml kai ta exeis hdh diavasei? poronomai
    ποθτανα ολα
    ολοι ειστε αβαγκαρντς αλλα οταν μπαινει το ΜΠΑΗ ΜΟΥΝΛΑΗΤ ΓΟΥΗ ΡΑΗΝΤ θυμαστε ολοι τι ειστε και απο που ερχεστε

    iola 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Atropos View Post
    Κατά τ' άλλα, γι αυτόν το λόγο το GoT είναι σειρά με @@. Αν ήταν να κερδάει πάντα ο καλός και ο Ολυμπιακός με το Αιγάλεω, θα βλέπαμε Σβαρτσενέγκερ.

  15. #30
    lcsgp FIXXXER's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fuck My Life

    Quote Originally Posted by BURNIN AMBITION
    Today, my cellphone ring went off loudly at a co-worker's funeral. My ringtone is "Another One Bites the Dust." FML
    Entajei, to kalytero.

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