Former METALLICA bassist Ron McGovney (photo) has placed for sale on eBay a number of METALLICA-related items from his personal collection. Among the items being auctioned off are the leather vest McGovney wore in the photo on the group's first flyer, METALLICA's "Power Metal" business card, and a first-generation copy of the "No Life 'Till Leather" demo, featuring a never-before-heard riff tape of James Hetfield and Ron playing guitar. For more information, visit the auction page at this location:

In related news, McGovney recently made an appearance on the message board,, and answered a couple of questions from fans regarding his time with METALLICA and his current activities.

When asked if it was true that he inspired Cliff Burton for his bass solo "Anesthesia", McGovney said, "I did not write 'Anesthesia'. That was all Cliff." As to whether he still plays bass, Ron said, "I still have my basses, but I really don't play too much anymore. I pulled out IRON MAIDEN 'Killers' album the other day to see if I remember any songs on bass. I was surprised that I remembered most of the album. The last band I played in was PHANTASM in 1986/87."